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Dear Church Members,

We are excited to announce our upcoming church camping event! This is a great opportunity to spend quality time with each other while enjoying the great outdoors.

We would like to invite you to contribute your ideas, if you know of any stores that sell tents, please share with us in the comments section. Additionally, we encourage everyone to bring anything that they feel would enhance our camping experience.

This page is dedicated to making our summer camp a success. Please feel free to add your input or ideas for the tent sale or anything else that you think would make our camping trip even more enjoyable.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

As we prepare for our upcoming church camping event, we would like to remind everyone that each family or individual is responsible for bringing their own desired food. However, if you would like to share your ideas or what you will be bringing, please feel free to do so on this page. This will help to avoid duplication and ensure that we have a variety of foods to enjoy during our trip.

In addition, the church will be providing a 20 cups rice cooker and a rice for everyone to enjoy, plates, utensils, and drinking cups. So, no need to worry about bringing these items with you.

Some popular camping food ideas for breakfast include spam, hot dogs, sausages, eggs, tuyo, pandesal, or any other non-perishable items that are easy to prepare and store. We encourage you to bring snacks, drinks, and anything else that you feel would enhance our camping experience.

Thank you for your contributions, and we look forward to a great time together in the great outdoors!

General Suggestion Box

Post Here:

General Suggestion Boxx

Tent Sale


Please leave a link on Tent Salex

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

June 09, Friday Dinner

Friday Food Dinnerx

June 10, Saturday Breakfast

Saturday Breakfastx

June 10, Saturday Lunch

Saturday Lunchx

June 10, Saturday Dinner

Saturday Dinnerx

June 11, Sunday Breakfast

Sunday Breakfastx

June 11, Sunday mini-lunch

Sunday mini-lunchx
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x